Master’s degree from the University of Nottingham Level Two Certificate in BIEA EYFS CPD Founder of “Lucky Dino” Nursery School Founder of Lenf Curriculum Founder of SR-Bred Curriculum IPA TCSL Teacher

Hong Chai

Rebecca Sherwood
Senior expert
Rebecca has worked in the area for 21 years and has great insights on Sino-British early years theories.

Karen Pereira
Senior expert
Karen has been an early years practitioner for 30 years, and has delivered training and quality assurance for 20 years.

Claire Berridge
Senior expert
Claire is the manager of Bryanston Nursery, and has over 20 years experience in the field.

Kate Shelley
Senior expert
Kate is the founder of Tales Toolkit and a professor at London University.

Janice Savage
Senior expert
Janice works for Kingsway in the UK at present, responsible for operating and instructing EYFS system. She also does EYFS-related professional development for teachers.

Rosemary Albone
Senior expert
Rosemary is the Director of Learning and Development and headteacher of Jigsaw Day Nurseries Ltd in the UK.